Before returning any item, please obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. NO returns, of any type, will be accepted without an RMA number. Items returned without a RMA number will receive a store credit for merchandise minus 30% restocking fee. Additionally, customers are responsible for the return shipping costs.

If you paid for your order via credit card, PayPal, and or Apple Pay your account will be credited back the appropriate amount once the products have been received. Please allow 7-10 days to receive your refund from Allen Medical Equipment from the time we receive the returned products.

If you are returning an item that is defective or shipped in error, we apologize for your inconvenience. We will refund the costs or the products, plus original shipping cost and supply return shipping slip via UPS.

The following will not be accepted for return, for any reason unless deemed defective or shipped in error. Items that have been discontinued, special order items like air loss mattress, air fluidized beds, long term bed and items that are outdated, shelf worn, used or defaced, unsuitable for re-sale, chemicals that have been opened, products that have been shipped outside the United States.

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